Jane Mudge shares what she calls, “Mudge Nudges,”… Little bites of inspiration, guidance, and nudges to do what we need to do with Food, Fitness, Finance, Friends, and Fun.
Share your nudges, words of wisdom you repeat to yourself or pass along to friends.
Maybe Jane will adopt your nudge to share with her audience too!
Submit Your Own Mudge Nudge!
FOOD – When you’re breaking the soda habit, pack tea bags and bring your own water bottle.
FOOD – Bring your own fruits, veggies and snacks to work and when you travel.
FOOD – Look up menus in advance online and make a healthy selection so other don’t influence you.
FFFFF – Find your inner motivation – make a list of why you want to make changes and keep the list handy and visible.
FOOD – Have a healthy snack at home before going out to a party.
FOOD – Look at menus online and make dining decisions before going out.
FOOD – Suggest healthy places to eat – to friends and family.
FOOD – Food prep breakfast and lunch the night before or on the weekend.
FITNESS – Set a night time alarm clock for when to go to bed.
FOOD and FITNESS – Try to wait 10-12 hours between dinner and morning meal; exercise in the AM to burn more calories.