Organizations and leaders can have a strong influence on their communities, the neighborhoods and regions in which their employees live and shop. One positive factor associated with employee engagement is their work environment. Where do companies choose to build or lease properties? Are they willing to partner with other for-profit and non-profit organizations? Could they improve their employees’ lifestyle through better retail and housing options? The answer is yes!
With Nick Doctor, a former Chief of Community Development, we’ll investigate how leaders can reach beyond the office walls and work from home networks, to develop communities to better serve their people. The goal is not to build a “Company Town”, but create environments where employees collaborate to have their work – and non-work needs met.
How can leaders reach beyond the office walls and work from home networks, to develop communities to better serve their people?
Can you build a new tech center, provide digital skills training to a community and provide grants to non-profits for their “biggest and boldest ideas”? Sure. Google did it. Why not you?