One of the pastimes in our home is working on jigsaw puzzles. This thoughtful, and sometimes tedious work, is the inspiration for this article. Here are a few insights:
> Most projects need a border, finish line or outline. Without a boundary as an anchor, the project may never take shape, or worse, never be finished.
> Sometimes is best to hunker down and work on one section, and other times, it’s best to stand out and survey the big picture to determine what task to take on next.
> Start with the easiest section for quick wins or start with the most difficult knowing next steps will be easier.
> Practice active gratitude and acknowledge gratitude when working with others.
> Maximize your strengths and your abilities to communicate difficulties when you’re working with others and collaborating,
> Learn to ask for help, or consider pushing through the frustration when challenged; you might find the feeling of accomplishment is greater than the obstruction.
My personal testimony that you may also relate to:
• As a “big picture” person, I like sorting patterns and colors. This action also makes it easier for others to work on the details.
• When I’m stuck on one color or pattern, I want to delegate this to others.
• Even when I’m tired, will persevere and “keep climbing”
• When the project is almost done, my productivity speeds up as I get excited about reaching the finish.
Now, off to the next puzzle!
Thanks to Wendy Thomas, Executive Director of Leadership Tulsa, for her insights and puzzle wizardry!