Do you have Executive Presence and Empathy?
Join me and Daniel Lieberman as we discuss Executive Presence and Empathetic Leadership. Daniel is a Global Executive Leadership Coach based in Seattle. His experience started at the ground level as a barista at Starbucks. Recognized as a leader who gets outstanding results, he earned several promotions and then moved into executive positions, including chief executive of the world famous Pike Place Market. As an executive leadership coach, Daniel has incorporated the Bates Communications model of Executive Presence (ExPI) to advise and council teams and executives.
Daniel asks and measures, “How does a leader show up?” Research demonstrates that executive presence qualities drive engagement, inspiration and alignment and move people into action. Further, there are three dimensions of executive presence outlined in our discussion. Five facets of leadership makeup each dimension. (Access the full evidence-based, scientifically valid model here: )
Empathy, or the emotional state of understanding the experience of others, is a critical element of positive leadership. Check out C2C for details.
Daniel Lieberman, Executive Leadership Coach